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Casino heist 2 player


GTA Online - A complete guide to all heist setup costs and potential takes

GTA Online is one of the most played online live service titles. With a massive open world filled with job opportunities, business, and property, players need money to live peacefully in Los Santos. 

Money is earnable in GTA Online by completing job opportunities, contact missions, and CEO work. The most efficient way to earn is through businesses and heists. However, there is a catch. To purchase businesses, you need a massive amount of money, this is when heists come in. 

Heists were added to GTA Online with the Heists update back in 2015. Since then, Rockstar Games has gradually added more heists with The Doomsday Heist, The Diamond Casino Heist and The Cayo Perico Heist updates. Now, if you plan on creating an effective money-earning method, here's a look at the setup costs and potential takes of all heists in GTA Online. 

GTA Online - All Heist Setup Costs and Potential Takes 

Basic Heist Setup Costs and Potential Takes

The Heists update introduced five new heists to GTA Online in 2015. These heists are the basic ones and are unlocked after purchasing a High-End apartment. These heists were introduced before the inflation of all purchasable items in-game, so the setup costs and payouts are very low compared to the newer ones in the game. 

Rockstar Games Bank some easy money with your squad in the Pacific Standard Job in GTA Online.


Here's the Setup Cost and Potential Take of All Heists from the Heist Update in GTA Online:

HeistSetup CostPotential Take (Easy Difficulty)Potential Take
(Normal Difficulty)
Potential Take
(Hard Difficulty)
Player Limit
The Fleeca Job
The Prison Break
The Humane Labs Raid
Series A Funding
The Pacific Standard

Bonus Rewards:

  • Complete each heist finale for the first time: $50,000 for The Fleeca Job, and a $100,000 bonus for each of the rest.
  • Supporting Role: Complete all 26 Heist setup and finale jobs as a member: $100,000 bonus.
  • All in Order Challenge: Complete all heist setups and finales in order: $1,000,000 bonus.
  • Loyalty Challenge: Complete all heist setups and finales with the same team: $1,000,000 bonus.
  • Criminal Mastermind Challenge: Complete all heist setups and finales in order, on hard difficulty, with the same team and without losing any lives: $10,000,000 bonus.
  • Another Perspective Challenge: Complete all heist setups and finales in first-person mode (PS4, Xbox One and PC only): $100,000 bonus.

The Doomsday Heist Setup Costs and Potential Take

The Doomsday Heist is a 3-act heist added as a part of the GTA Online: The Doomsday Heist update. To start the heist, the player must become the CEO/VIP of an organization or the president of a motorcycle club and buy a Facility from Maze Bank Foreclosures. 

Rockstar Games Fly in the Deluxo in the Doomsday Heist in GTA Online


Here's the Setup Cost and Potential Take of All Heists from The Doomsday Heist Update in GTA Online:

HeistSetup CostPotential Take
(Easy Difficulty)
Potential Take
(Normal Difficulty)
Potential Take
(Hard Difficulty)
Player Limit
The Data Breaches$25,000N/A$975,000
The Bogdan Problem$25,000N/A$1,425,000$1,781,2502-4
The Doomsday Scenario$25,000N/A$1,800,000$1,800,0002-4

Bonus Rewards: 

  • Complete each heist finale for the first time: $50,000 bonus for each of the 3 acts.
  • Supporting Role II: Complete all 29 Doomsday Heist setup and finale jobs as a member – $50,000 bonus.
  • All In Order II: Complete all 29 Doomsday Heist setup and finale jobs in order – $500,000 bonus.
  • Loyalty 3 Challenges: Complete all 29 Doomsday Heist setup and finale jobs with the same crew.
    • 2 players – $75,000
    • 3 players – $175,000
    • 4 players – $375,000
  • Criminal Mastermind 3 Challenges: Complete all 29 Doomsday Heist setup and finale jobs in order with the same crew, on Hard difficulty, with no player deaths.
    • 2 players – $750,000
    • 3 players – $1,750,000
    • 4 players – $3,750,000

The Diamond Casino Heist Setup Costs and Potential Takes

The Diamond Casino Heist is a single-act heist added as a part of the GTA Online: Diamond Casino Heist update in 2019. To start the heist, the host must be a CEO or in a VIP Organization or Motorcycle Club, and the host must own an Arcade to start planning The Casino Heist. 

Rockstar Games Fight your way through Duggan Security in The Diamond Casino Heist in GTA Online


Here's the Setup Cost and Potential Take of All Heists from The Diamond Casino Heist in GTA Online:

Heist TargetSetup CostPotential Take
(Easy Difficulty)
Potential Take (Normal Difficulty)Potential Take
(Hard Difficulty)
Player Limit

There are no bonus rewards for the Diamond Casino Heist. However, the heist does feature bonus objectives, which are available in locked safes inside the bolt.

The Cayo Perico Setup Costs and Potential Takes

The Cayo Perico Heist was added to the game with the GTA Online: The Cayo Perico Heist update in 2020. Players must purchase the Kosatka Submarine to begin the Heist. After purchasing the Submarine, Miguel Madrazo allows players to rob drug lord El Rubio. 

The heist became extremely popular following its launch in 2020, Rockstar Games has since then adjusted the Potential Takes many times and also added a three-cooldown window to stop players from repeatedly playing the heist. 

Rockstar Games Sneak into El Rubio's compound in The Cayo Perico Heist in GTA Online


The Cayo Perico Heist is a solo-friendly heist that can be done without getting detected. Cayo Perico has two heist targets - the Primary Target and Secondary Targets.

Here's the Setup Cost and Potential Take of All Heists from The Cayo Perico in GTA Online: 

Primary Targets

The Primary Targets are usually randomized. However, the Madrazo files are a one-time target, it is only obtainable during your first time playing The Cayo Perico Heist.

Heist TargetSetup CostPotential Take (Easy Difficulty)Potential Take (Normal Difficulty)Potential Take (Hard Difficulty)Player Limit
Sinsimito Tequila$100,000N/A$630,000$693,0001-4
Ruby Necklace$100,000N/A$700,000$770,000 1-4
Bearer Bonds$100,000N/A$770,000$847,0001-4
Madrazo FilesPaid by MadrazoN/A$1,100,000    N/A1-4
Pink Diamond$100,000N/A$1,300,000$1,430,0001-4
Panther Statue$100,000N/A $1,900,000$2,090,000 1-4 

Secondary Targets

The Secondary Targets usually spawn in different locations on Cayo Perico Island. Players must take photos of the places containing potential loot to identify them as targets for the main heist. Gold and Artwork can only be obtained during a 2-4 player heist run, they are not obtainable during a solo run.

The Cocaine, Week, and Cash spawn in the airstrip area, so take pictures of those spots to mark them as secondary targets for your heist run. 

Heist TargetPotential Take (Any Difficulty)
Gold$328,584-$333,192/Gold Bar Stash
Cocaine$198,000-$202,500/Cocaine Brick Stash
Weed $130,500-$135,000/Weed Brick Stash
Cash$78,750-$83,250/Cash Stack Stash

Hopefully, this can help you decide which Heist suits your money-grind. We recommend mastering the Diamond Casino Heist and the Cayo Perico Heist, as they can be done easily by 1-2 players. Moreover, the setup missions become quite easy once you get the hang of it.

If you're into hardcore challenges, we recommend completing the Doomsday Heist, it has a much heavier Potential Take, and the setup missions are quite fun. 

