Gta 5 online casino heist payout

Gta 5 online casino heist payout


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If you are new to the game or new to the Diamond Casino Heist, I suggest this as a list of things to focus on to get you into making money fast and reliably, with only the help of one person during the heists themselves. This will be in order of importance.

  • A High End Apartment[]. I suggest 3 Alta St[] as it's cheap and centrally located in the city. For a little more you might want to get Eclipse Towers[] as it's right beside 8Bit[](See below). You will need this to have a place to put your cars as well as open up some early game heists that will get you a cheaper price on the Karuma[].
  • An Armored Karuma[]. This is a very cheap and very useful car that you will use a lot early on and will continue to use late game. This car is almost entirely bulletproof and will make life much safer. Do keep in mind it will not last long against explosive damage.
  • An Arcade[]. This business will not make squat for income itself, but it gives you access to the Casino Heist board to start doing your own preps and Casino Heists. I highly recommend 8Bit[] (west of casino) as it's closest to the casino, centrally located and will help trim time down to achieve elite on the heist. There is also a single high-rise building(Eclipse Towers[]) next to it that makes it very easy to find from a distance and also has an area behind it that is great to hide from cops if you only have 2 stars as there aren't roads next to it. Videogeddon[] (south of casino) is also very close and will work. It's a bit cheaper but I find 8Bit[]'s location to be perfect, along with other minor things like 8Bit[] having a front facing garage for fast access.
  • A CEO Office[]. This will allow you to call a Buzzard Attack Chopper[] right beside you when outside of a mission, which your preps are. This will cost you each time you order one, until you purchase the chopper itself and then it will be free. This will speed up your work significantly. You can also bang out some easy money with CEO work this way but I'd suggest focusing on heists as it's far more lucrative. Alternatively you could get a Motorcycle Club[](MC) as it's cheaper and will allow you to access your Casino Heist board, but I do recommend the CEO Office[], for access to Buzzards[]. If you happen to have the Criminal Enterprise Pack[], you do have a headstart here as it gives a free CEO Office[] (and MC[]), though I wouldn't suggest buying it unless it's on a very heavy discount as most things included are not very good overall. Maze Bank West[] is the cheapest option and really makes little difference unless you plan to import/export cars, even then a better option is a lot of money for very little.
  • An Oppressor Mk2[]. This is a flying motorcycle that can be instantly called in right beside you if you are in an MC[] or like any other personal vehicle[] if not. It is fairly expensive and also needs a Terrorbyte[] to upgrade and get missiles, which in turn requires a NightClub[] (NC) to purchase. Do note that getting a Terrorbyte[] will reduce the cost of the Mk2[] by about a million by doing the missions in it. It also will get you Paige[] as a hacker in the Casino Heist. Also, if you have amazon prime you can get a free nightclub by linking your account to Rockstar, as well as a couple extra decent discounts each event.
  • By alternating only the Big Con and Silent & Sneaky approaches you will make the heists hard difficulty, which has a higher payout.
  • You do not need to purchase any of the optional items for heist (Casino Model, Door Security or the Vault Door). They are only for optional practicing.
  • Here[] is a link for a list of POI's(Points of Interest) for the scope out mission, but basically its pics of cameras, keypads, guards, doors and things related to security. There is also a Blueprint in the management area, which requires a penthouse[] to access. If you do not want one but want to % the scope mission, you can ask a friend that does have one to do the mission with you and get it. Once you get any POI unlocked they stay unlocked and you won't need to do them again.
  • If you want to grind the casino heist, I recommend finding someone that can do their heist preps in about the same time as you do and do them at the same time, then help each other with the heists back to back. So long as you both offer the same cut, you'll basically be making % of the take for each round of heists.
  • Save your 2 player preps for last in case someone offers to help. (weapons can be done this way if you don't need the weapon bench.)
  • The only optional prep that's needed is lv2 security passes. You can skip that for big con as there's only one hack and it's not under pressure, if you are confident and don't expect to restart much. Restarting will make you hack again.
  • You can cancel the heist by calling Lester DURING the reveal vault contents prep and it'll still complete the prep, meaning when you go back to your arcade and open the heist again, the contents are already revealed. Do this if you get cash. You lose 25k each cancel but it's worth it to get a higher payout. I never do cash heists as the payout is much lower. During this prep, when you hack the camera feed, the vault is cam 01 of
  • Gunner should be Karl[](This info is incorrect in this link. His cut is 5%, not 8%). I always use Micro SMGs. I do this first as it gives access to a weapon workshop[] when completed.
  • Driver should be Karim[](Again, incorrect. Also 5%). I use the Sentinel Classic[] as they are fast and fun. They aren't always where they are useable but when they are it helps trim time for elite.
  • For hacker use Avi[](10%) or Paige[](silly wiki's. 9%) unless it's art, then you can use Christian[](He's 7%) if you're confident to save %. Check out gtamap[] to collect the signal jammers on the map to unlock Avi. Paige works just fine if you don't have Avi but she can be more expensive as you need a nightclub and Terrorbyte.
  • You can collect the playing cards to unlock the high roller outfits and always skip the exit disguise preps. gtamap[] again.
  • During preps where you drive a vehicle, if you actually need something INSIDE the vehicle, it can usually be destroyed and the contents picked up and taken in a faster vehicle.
  • Call Lester to try to lose cops. Changing style can also lower heat by 1* which can avoid choppers at 3*.
  • Use suppressors to avoid heat when possible. Do note that many cases going loud will be faster. More on this in below.
NOTE: This section needs a lot of work and I will be doing this last as it's the least important. At this point it's really just a random list of tips that don't fit elsewhere. Skip it if you like.

  • Vault Reveal. If you have the oppressor fly to casino and park on the roof terrace and wait by elevator to lose cops. This is also a great way to enter Casino any time as you can avoid griefers.
  • Gruppe6 part2
  • Sentinels (police station). When leaving hug the right side of parking lot tightly to avoid cops standing outside
  • Hacking Device. Both locations are always south and lead to FIB building.
  • Lv2 keypass. Lester talking about dead valet, Go west to the funeral home. Place a marker on Strawberry and you can lose cops by the time you get there.
  • Drones. The farther away you are from drones the better odds your missiles will land. You dont need to exit vehicle to pick up the parts.
  • Lasers at Beurro Heights. If you dont have a mk2, use Karuma. One is in a plane, the other is one one of two crates.
  • Cars @ Paleto bay. Swap sessions and try again lmao
  • For the Laser prep at Fleeca bank, drive the mk2 inside bank to avoid it being impounded.
  • For the Sentinel prep at Airport, snipe one driver from afar, then use that car to chase & shot the other driver
  • weapons @ Power Station do not get close. Heavy with minigun and snipers.
  • Cars @ La Mesa Police Station when leaving the station, hug the wall on the right as tight as you can to avoid the cops in parking lot.
  • Clean vehicle and decoy options are not needed.
  • If you jump while running you can usually go faster than just walking. Gold prevents you from doing this and sometimes with no heavy gear, running is faster. You should see the difference though if you experiment a bit.
  • The heist should be done with only 2 players. 2 players can get all but a cart or less of loot, which isn't worth a 3rd cut of take. I have done gold with just 2 players and taken all but about 6 bars of gold. Art should be about million, gold around million and diamonds about + million. Diamonds are only available during events, which will be listed on the Rockstar events page[].
  • Always use high risk buyers.
  • NPCs CAN'T see through bulletproof glass, but CAN see through glass in doors.
  • Cams actually take a couple seconds to register a player, so if you're only in their vision for a moment, you won't set them off. NPCs also have a moment of response and if taken down fast enough, won't have time to trigger the alarm. This is useful for taking out multiple NPCs by yourself.
  • Melee the heavy NPCs. If you have issues with shooting instead of melee attacking, try pressing "R" on the keyboard. This is the "light melee" button and has no chance of firing your weapon.
  • Always take the stairs.
  • Never follow people into the racetrack doing Big Con or Silent & Sneaky, when leaving the casino.
  • The ideal setup is Gruppe Sechs entrance disguises and high roller outfits as exit disguises. You can collect the playing cards across map to unlock them and never have to do the exit disguise preps again. Link here[]
  • You can run/jump all the way through in the basement and staircase areas without being detected. Just don't bump into guards or stay in their vision cone long. They also don't care about having guns out.
  • After the vault, exiting the stairs on ground floor, check to your right. Sometimes the doors there are blocked but not always. Going that way avoids a guard and a camera.
  • You can get the daily vault leaving the casino, however it is much more difficult. I would only advise this if both players are confident. This should be done after changing outfits. The guards patrolling the lobby, can be taken out in the small area to the left of security room as far as he walks in that direction, just out of range of the cam. Entering from the lobby(in front of the metal detectors), there are 2NPCs. One is stationary, facing the elevator. The other patrols the room. You need to coordinate one player taking the patrol as the other takes the stationary guard. Then just press the green button and take the guard patrolling the elevator area of he was passed before.
The Silent & Sneaky Approach
The Tips

  • Learn the camera locations! There are really only a handful and once you know them, you can really almost ignore most of them.
  • There is a daily vault that can be cleared. Lester tells you of this but some people miss it. There's a green button on a white control panel in the central security room that opens a small vault by the elevator. You can get between about k each time, both going in AND coming out the vault.
  • When you first spawn in the casino, the enemies often take a moment to load in. Be patient until you learn which NPCs can spawn and the locations they do so that you know if they are there or not.
  • Be aware when in the security room that there's guards patrolling the surrounding areas that can see through the glass in doors.

The Walkthrough
Once you move through the metal detectors, be fast in putting the NPCs down and shooting the camera on the ceiling to the left or it might detect the bodies. With a bit of practice this is quite easy and can be done solo. You'll learn the possible guard locations eventually.

After the lobby is clear, shoot the guards in the security room through the glass. There is usually 2, either right in front of the door facing the metal detectors or one near the green button and one all the way to the right side of the room. However, occasionally there is only the one by the green button.

The next part can be done much faster when you both know what you're doing. After the security room is cleared, the more experienced player holds the button, while the other goes to the daily vault, minding the location of the guard patrolling the next hallway. If he is walking away, then just run straight into the vault, but if he is in a position to be taken out, then do so(not in cams vision of course). After one is in the vault , the more experienced player can just head to the basement, taking out the guard if not already.

Once in the staircase, stop just before the first landing and wait for the guard to round the corner and melee him. Then continue down to the second landing. Here you can either stun the cam or just run past it, making sure to go tight to the wall underneath it before continuing to the bottom, if you do. This next guy is the real pain. He does some really funky stuff and it took me a while to get a solid tactic on him no matter what he does but this has worked wonders. Sometimes he'll actually bug out and sort of just wander in circles in the "left hallway section" and he becomes a real issue. Once in the basement, run fast, past the cam(don't bother stopping to stun it or you won't have time), into the "left hallway section"(through the first set of double doors) and go into cover just to the left of the second set of double doors. Sometimes he will walk into the "left hallway section" and sometimes he'll go through the "right hallway section". If he comes into the left, wait for him to clear the doors, before leaving cover and melee him. If he goes through the right side, follow him half way down the stairway section(the hallways directly beside the stairs, not the "left/right hallway sections") before melee killing him. He can go to either side of the stairway section but the location he should be dropped will be about halfway down either hallway, so that the cam nor the guards in front of elevator can see him. After dealing with him, simply shot the 2 guys behind the counter, stun the cam on ceiling to your left if you want and head to the dual swipe keypads. If this whole part is done correctly you can have the whole basement cleared by the time the second player gets to the basement.

Leaving the vault, there is a guard behind the counter. There seems to be a bug that always detects his body if you kill him no matter what you do. To avoid this, stun the cam to the right of him, then go into cover against that right side wall. Move over to the column and exit cover. Walk slowly and as tight as you can around the column, then back into cover. Continue along that wall to the end, exit cover, then stay tight to the walls as you go through the doors. This might take a couple tries until you get it but once you do it can be done pretty quickly.

Once you get back to the ground floor, one player waits for daily vault again, while the other goes back into security room. Melee the guard by the green button, then hold the button. Once the other player is in the vault, take out the second guard in the security room. Then return to the button, while keeping an eye on the guard patrolling the lobby. It's your job to make sure you know where he is when you're both ready to leave.
Both approaches have the same getaway once you're outside the casino.

When leaving the casino(staff entrance), go to the right, melee the guy next to the swat van, then follow the outside of racetrack south. Jump down over the barrier and go between the buildings to the road(directly south of racetrack). If the getaway vehicles are not right there, just steal the first vehicle you find. Then going southwest(from the first street SW of casino), turn right just past the block of buildings(where the big water drainage ditch is on your left), headed towards the bridge over the highway. Usually trying to cross the bridge a cop will spawn on the bridge. There should be a small park on your left. Driving into the park allows you to avoid that cop. There is a small walkway right along the highway "cliff" that you can drive up right beside the bridge, turning left onto the bridge. After the bridge, drive straight into the driveway across the street. Get out the vehicle, climb the wall on your left and head northwest between the buildings, climbing the wall on your right just before you get to the street. Turn back east, climb the edge of building, and climb again twice further east. Once on that roof run to your left and climb a few pieces of duct-work to get on the next part of the roof. Finally, you should see a Chopper on the last bit of roof, straight ahead. Once in the chopper head north just to the left of the amphitheater going as fast as you can fly and avoiding any cops you can. Once you clear the mountain you should be high enough to avoid ground patrols and only need to avoid choppers. Then head to the waypoint.

I will try to mark this route on a map later for clarity.