Gta online casino heist silent and sneaky

Gta online casino heist silent and sneaky


Having been grinding these heists since they come out I've since completed all Elite Challenges and worked out the best ways to complete them all so far. Below is my guide and Top Tips for Silent & Sneaky.

Elite Challenge

First of all, when you do your scoping out of the vault contents, make sure it is Artwork. Having artwork is much quicker to bag, and will also make you able to run at full speed. You are unable to do this with Cash or Gold. If you do not get Artwork, simply quit the scoping out job from your phone and try again until you do.

Heist Crew
Gunman - Chester McCoy
Driver - Karim Denz
Hacker - Paige Harris - Gives you plenty of time to collect everything you need and means you only have to hack one fingerprint for each vault cage door (unless on Hard mode, then it's 2 hacks per gate)

Unmarked Weapons - MK II Shotgun Loadout - This will make eliminating the enemies so much easier and faster.
Getaway Vehicles - Sentinel Classic. Denz also has good locations for the getaway cars spawning.
Hacking Device
Nano Drone
Vault Laser

General Prep Work:
Vault Keycards - to save hacking each lock
Patrol Routes - so you can see where everyone is
Duggan Shipments - to make it easier to kill the guards

Security Pass:
Level 1 & 2

Entrance - Staff Lobby
Exit - Staff Lobby
Buyer: Any

DO NOT WASTE MONEY on Clean Car and Decoy.

Firstly, the guards in the first room do not always spawn straight away and could be several seconds before they show up. Be aware that if you're not careful they will spot you when they spawn and ruin your challenge.

- Stun gun the fuse box then take out guard(s) at front desk as soon as you can before shooting out the camera to your left.
- You only need to worry about guards in your way to the elevator, so look for which keypads have blue lights. and head that way.
- With the shotgun, you can take out two guards together one after the other without any problems. It's quite possible for one player to kill all guards on their own.
- Head to the elevator and as soon as you arrive in the basement there will be two guards waiting to be blown away. It's best for only 2 people to go down the lift or else you get in each other's way when shooting.
- Move to the next area where one guard will be moving around. Take him out when he enters the small little rooms out of view of cameras.
- The next four guards are easy as they can't see each other and they don't move. Blast them all then use square to jump (faster than running here) all the way to the vault.
- Drilling: Tapping the drill works best as it instantly starts to cool down. Keep doing this until you're through all the locks.
- Make sure you have at least 2 good hackers. Grab the artwork and leave. We've managed to do this with 2 players and still had over a minute left.
- Be sure to leave before the timer reaches 15 seconds to go to avoid detection.
- Use Square again to jump down the corridor.
- Two guards spawn from the left. It's best to take them out so you won't get spotted from jumping faster.
- Up the elevator. As soon as the door opens head out round to the right and shoot the two guards on route to the exit.
- You've already taken out the camera near the exit so sneak out to the Staff Lobby exit.
- When outside, jump over the fence in front, and run as fast as you can to the corner of the racetrack to your right where your getaway vehicles will be.
- The next part relies on RnG. Sometimes your cars will be closer than others. Just get in whatever car comes to you first, be it a car off the street or your own.
If you selected the High Buyer then head towards the Mesa Police Station and climb the building to get in the helicopter. If you didn't, then just drive to your checkpoint and lose the cops around that area. Going deep into the sewers will generally just lose you time.

The Elite Challenge timer starts when you get the small cutscene to enter the casino after swiping your keycards (then 35 seconds of black loading screen).
- Swiped Mantrap entry keypads
- Swiped keypads to exit the vault
- Exit casino
- Complete

Below is a video of my 2-player team completing this with maximum payout and delivering to the High Buyer.

Big Money Guide

Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold. Scope out Gold as the vault contents.

Heist Crew
Gunman - Aboloji
Driver - Karim Denz
Hacker - Avi Schwartzman - Gives you plenty of time to collect everything you need and means you only have to hack one fingerprint for each vault cage door (unless on Hard mode, then it's 2 hacks per gate), as well as allowing extra time to drill for a few more goodies.

Unmarked Weapons - SMG Loadout
Getaway Vehicles - Sentinel Classic. Denz also has good locations for the getaway cars spawning.
Hacking Device
Nano Drone
Vault Laser

General Prep Work:
Vault Keycards - to save hacking each lock
Patrol Routes - so you can see where everyone is
Duggan Shipments - to make it easier to kill the guards
Power Drills - to drill the boxes for each goodies

Security Pass:
Level 1 & 2

Entrance - Staff Lobby
Exit - Staff Lobby
Buyer: Any

DO NOT WASTE MONEY on Clean Car and Decoy.

- Complete this on hard mode (when it has the skull on it) for a collective gain of $k. If you can complete this in 15 mins for the Elite Challenge you'll also get another $k bonus each.
- Choose High Buyer in heist setup.
- Coordinate as a team and take out guards together in sync.
- If you get spotted at any point, simply die and then restart. To get the maximum take you'll need to do the whole thing clean.
- Be sure to raid the secondary vault in the Staff Lobby area by the elevator and stairs. To do this you need to go up to the green button by the window and press it. Let someone else go in and collect the loot. The amount looks the same each time but that stacks of money can be anything from $ each to $2, The maximum payout is $k. If you're not happy with the amount, die and restart the level again.
- There is a gold glitch which allows you to raid the trays a second time. What you need to do is leave one gold bar by exiting the tray, then press to start picking it up again. This will respawn the gold all over again. However, it seems a bit random as to whether you earn this amount at the end (see video below) Once everyone has picked up the gold, drill the boxes for extra cash.
- Leave the vault before the timer ends to avoid detection.
- Head out the same way as noted above
- Head down into the sewers until you've lost the cops then deliver to the buyer.

As a team of two, we've pocketed $m each doing it this way.

Below is a video of us doing the Gold glitch, totalling $m, but it doesn't always give you what you've made. Payouts may have already been patched now, but the gold glitch still exists.

PF: [Code Zero] AAA+ 79
["I will make it legal"]
