Gta san andreas casino heist

Gta san andreas casino heist


Las Venturas Missions

Bonus Guide: Casino Key Card (Dating Millie)

Bonus Guide: Casino Key Card (Dating Millie)

Millie Perkins will automatically become CJ's girlfriend following completion of the mission 'Key To Her Heart'. The 'Gimp Suit' will also be unlocked and available from Carl's wardrobe at any safe house.

Although there are six girlfriends available to Carl throughout the game, Millie is the only one who must be dated at least once in order to achieve 100% completion. Dating her isn't an actual 100% objective, however receiving the key card from her is critical to unlock later heist missions which must be completed for 100%.

Millie is available to date at her house in Prickle Pine, Las Venturas from 12:00 noon to 22:00 PM each day. You can visit a nearby safe house and save the game to advance time by 6 hours to speed up the process.

In order to get the casino key card from Millie, Carl must get her progress to somewhere around 35%. It will probably take 2 or 3 successful dates to hit this mark.

A Murderous Shortcut

If you really can't be bothered with the 15-20 minutes it'll take to date Millie for the key card, it's possible to kill her while on a date. A short time later Carl will receive a phone call from Woozie telling him to pick up her key card from her house, which will now be unlocked.

I don't recommend you go down this route however, as doing so will lose Millie as a girlfriend.

Special Date

If you dress to impress and turn up for your date wearing the Gimp Suit, Carl will head straight into the house for some fun. Doing this will award 10% bonus progression so it's worth it if you're trying to get this over and done with as quickly as possible.

Gift Bonus

If you turn up for your date with a gift - such as flowers or a dildo - you can give it to Millie when she meets you outside her house. This will give an additional boost to your progress when you complete the date.

Where To Date Millie Successfully

If she wants a drink or something to eat, take her to 'The Craw Bar' in Las Venturas, marked on the map with a cocktail glass.

If she wants to dance, take her to the club near The Camel's Toe marked with a record icon and dance her socks off.

If she wants to go for a drive, take her around where she lives in Prickle Pine and stick to a medium speed.

She's easily pleased so just act normal, try not to smash up your car when driving her and ensure you don't cause her any harm.

Hints & Tips

As soon as you finish a date, head to a nearby safe house and save the game a few times to advance time. You can then head straight back out to Millie's house where she'll be available for another date providing it's between 12:00 and 22:00.

How To Get The Casino Key Card

Once Carl's progress with Millie reaches 35%+ she will call him and explain she's on board with his plans because she was promised a cut. This unlocks the key card for collection from her house.

If you decided to kill Millie on a date, collection of the key card will be unlocked from her house following a phone call from Woozie.

Either way, visit Millie's house and enter via the yellow arrow on the front door where you'll find the key card spinning around in her bedroom.

