How to get better hacker casino heist

How to get better hacker casino heist


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This part of the guide will show you how to find the different access points and POIs to unlock all three casino heist approaches - The Big Con, Aggressive & Silent and Sneaky.

In order to carry out the heist finale, you must go through several heist preps. Among the mandatory prep missions come optional prep missions as well, which you can carry out to make your heist easier. One of the prep mission includes finding the access points and points of interest (POIs) during casino and vault scope out missions.

You can buy a casino model for your prep board for GTA $, which shows them the locations of all the access points. However, even that is not enough as it still does not help you pin-point the exact locations of some of the access points outside of casino.

Casino Heist Maximum Payout Table:

⭐ Cash: $2,,
⭐ Artwork: $2,,
⭐ Gold: $2,,
⭐ ​Diamonds: $3,,

Lester's Cut:

Lester will take 5% of the total amount and your crew (hacker, driver, etc) payments will vary depending on who you have chosen.
Scoping out all the access points opens up more options with the heist itself. There are a total of 11 access points to scope out.

1.) Access Point - The first access point is the main casino entrance door.

2.) Access Point - The side door to the right of the casino.

3.) Access Point - Side door to the left of the casino.

4.) Access Point - The garage door of the security tunnel underneath the race track to the right of the casino.

5.) Access Point - There's a sewer tunnel right across the street from the casino. Head over there and go inside and take a picture of the sewer grate.

6.) Access Point - Keypad door right down the stairs behind the bar.

7.) Access Point - Keypad door next to the pool.

8.) Access Point - Keypad door 1 around the back when you jump off the ledge of the swimming pool towards the left.

9.) Access Point - Keypad door 2 around the back. After the first door around back, when you go a bit forward you will find the second door with a guard beside it.

) Access Point - Keypad door 1 on the roof right beside the helipad.

) Access Point - Keypad door 2 on the roof beside the helipad.
Scope Out (Points Of Interests):
Besides the access points above, there are several points of interest which can either be identified or scoped out. These will add further options that can allow you to approach the heist in a variety of different ways. There are two parts to finding the points of interest.

You find the points of interest in the Casino Scoping mission as well as the Vault Content Scope out mission. There are a total of 11 POI that can be scoped out. All the POIs are listed below.

The following are the POI you can identify when you are carrying out the casino scope out heist prep mission:

The Casino:

1.) Point of Interest - The old camera. You can take the picture of any one of the old camera. They are present everywhere around the casino. On the roof and the roof terrace as well. This picture is taken on the roof.

2.) Point of Interest - The security guard standing beside the elevator.

3.) Point of Interest - The orbital camera inside of the casino.

4.) Point of Interest - The purple keypad beside the staff door which says 'Restricted Access' beside the chips exchange counter.

5.) Point of Interest - Casino vault blueprints. You can find them sitting on the table in Agatha's office in the management section of the casino. You need to have VIP membership in order to access this area. Go through 'Inside Tracks' and you will see a double door with a guard standing beside it which says 'Management'. You need to go inside that and upstairs to Agatha's office.

6.) Point of Interest - The valet at the main entrance is also a point of interest.

The Vault:

When you hack into the camera feed while doing the vault content scope out mission, you have the option to either leave the camera feed after you've found the vault content or to continue and find the points of interest. You can continue to check all the feeds and grab all the points of interest.

The general rule when you are identifying the POI through the camera feed is to simply scroll the camera all the way from left to right capturing everything. Once a POI is identified, you will get a notification in the bottom left corner which will say 'Point of Interest scoped'.

To help you as much as possible all the points of interest in the camera feed here are the rest listed below:

1.) Point of Interest - When you hack into the staff corridor camera, move your camera all the way to the left side and once the marked door is in the feed, the POI will be identified.

2.) Point of Interest - In the hotel floor camera, you need to move your camera all the way to the right until the two staff elevators are in sight. Once they are in sight the POI will be identified.

3.) Point of Interest - In the vault security camera feed, you need to have the security room door in your camera feed sight and the POI will be scoped out.

4.) Point of Interest - When you reach the staff lobby camera feed, you will instantly get a notification saying that a POI is scoped out. This is because the whole front desk area is the POI.

5.) Point of Interest - In the staff entrance camera feed, move your camera to the left where the metal detectors are and scope them out to get a POI identified.
Approach #1 - Silent & Sneaky (Part 01):
Silent & Sneaky Approach - ​Besides the Aggressive and Big Con approaches, you can also carry out the casino heist with a 'Sneaky & Silent' approach. This guide will cut out all the rubbish and list everything that needs to be done to prep you to pull the heist off using this approach.

Heist Prep Missions:

Support Crew - The Gunman:

When you are choosing a gunman, there's no need to spend any time deciding which one to choose as this heist is the silent and sneaky approach. You shouldn't expect a lot of altercations and combat situations. Therefore, choose Karl Abolaji who takes only 5% from the final cut.

Support Crew - The Driver:

Karim Denz only takes 5% from the final cut. It is not necessary to use a getaway driver for this approach but it is mandatory so choose the person that will take the smallest cut.

Support Crew - Hacker:

Choosing the hacker is the most important aspect in all the approaches for the casino heist, whether it's sneaking in or going in aggressive. The best available default hacker is Avi Schwartzman who you can unlock by completing a side quest. You need to find 50 signal jammers spread around Los Santos and destroy them for Avi to be unlocked.

Check out our guide here on where to find all the jammers and unlock Avi. Avi gives you 15 seconds more than Paige Harris, granting a total of 3 minutes and 30 seconds in the vault. Avi takes 1% more than Paige from the final cut, total of 10% of the overall take.

50 Signal Jammers

Hacking Device:

The device can be located in two different locations. The first one requires you to get it from the N.O.O.S.E headquarters, while the second will be in the FIB building.

​N.O.O.S.E Headquarters Mission:

You need to go to Davis City Hall, locate the corrupt agent, take him out and get the keycard to the N.O.O.S.E headquarters. Sneak into the building to find the hacking device. When you reach the headquarters.

You need to find the hacking device using your phone, based on the signal strength at the bottom right screen. The closer you get to the device, the stronger the signal gets. It is pretty simple, just avoid the sight of the guards and walk silently and you should be good to go. You can use suppressed weapons to take out guards and security cameras provided that other guards don't see you doing so or find the body of a guard you have taken out.

FIB Building Mission:

Before heading to the FIB building, you will need to take out some agents and get the FIB agent pass in order to enter the building by impersonating an agent. You will be tasked to go to a specific location and kill the agents, get the FIB pass, lose the cops and after that, head to FIB building.

Enter the building and avoid the cones of vision as much as possible, since staying in them for too long will cause the guards and agents to recognize you. Take the elevator to the upper floor, bring your phone out and find the hacking device using the signal strength bar, the same way you did when in N.O.O.S.E headquarters.

Once you have acquired the hacking device, head back outside the same way you came in from. But note that as soon as you reach the exit, the agents will recognize you and start shooting, so make sure you have some snacks and armor. Quickly exit the building and get into your vehicle which you parked right in front of the entrance earlier, lose the cops and deliver the hacking device back to the arcade.

​⭐ General Prep Work:

For the general prep missions, you need to do the vault keycards prep mission, which is mandatory, followed by the Patrol Routes prep mission. You do not have to do the Duggan shipments, power drill and security intel prep missions. You also do not need to get the masks.

Vault Keycards:

There are two types of mission to acquire the vault keycards. One requires you to hijack a prison bus and get the keycard from one of the guards while you impersonate a prison guard. The second mission is fairly simple, you just need to go to two security guards situated at two different locations, kill them and get the cards. One guard will be drunk on the street while the other will be having in a motel room.

Getting the vault keycards from prison is the easiest prep mission. All you need to do is hijack a prisoner bus, head to the prison disguised as a guard and infiltrate one of the towers in the prison. Once you head inside the marked tower, you will come across a guard, just take out the guard silently and search his body for the keycards. After you've acquired the keycards, you can leave the prison the same way you came in, using the bus, and you are done.

Patrol Routes:

Patrol routes is an optional general prep mission, but we consider it to be one of the most important prep missions for Silent and Sneaky approach. This general prep work is also necessary for The Big Con approach. If you complete this mission you will be able to see the enemies or guards on your minimap during the heist. If you don't do it, then the guards will not be visible on your map. It is absolutely necessary that you complete it so you can easily see where the guards are.

In this mission you need to find a specific car and take a photo of the contents of the trunk. The mission location is always different, but the cars are always the same, so you can never mistake the car for any other once you've identified it. There are two possible cars you can get - it can either be a gray colored car or a black colored car. You can either sneak your way to the car or just kill all the guards and approach the vehicle - it is completely up to you. Just make sure when you are going in killing everyone, not to accidentally blow up the target car.

Security Pass:

You need to acquire a Level 2 Security Pass or else you won't be able to do the mission properly. There are two different types of missions you can be given. One requires you to go to a pool party and get the card from the croupier. The other requires you to get it off of a dead valet's body while you impersonate a Coroner.

Croupier / Party Method:

For the first type of mission you will be instructed to go to a pool party. Once you reach the party, a suspicion bar, at the bottom right corner of your screen, will become visible. It will gradually increase if you become more noticeable and attract attention, however, you need to blend in and make sure it doesn't rise. You can do different activities such as drinking and dancing to keep the suspicion bar low.

Once Lester has identified the target you need to find and search for the keycard on them. They will be passed out and once you search for the keycard you'll discover it's not actually on them. However, it should be laying around somewhere in the area. You need to search for the keycard around the area.

TIP: Your suspicion will still increase slightly, but the best way to keep it low is to go to your interaction menu and set your action to dance, and turn it on permanently. This way you can walk around and search for the card while making sure the suspicion bar is not increasing.

Coroner Method:

If you get a coroner mission, then you will need to go to the church and steal a hearse. Once you do so the cops will instantly be on you. Once you lose them, head to the coroner's office. You will automatically equip the coroner officer's clothes. Enter the office and proceed to the morgue. Avoid the cops' cones of visions inside the office as much as you can. Once you reach the morgue, search the valet's body and get the keycard. Just ensure that no one is watching you while you do so. After that head back the same way you came in, while avoiding the cops. Leave the area to successfully complete the prep mission.
Approach #1 - Silent & Sneaky (Part 02):
Approach Specific Preps:

Nano Drone:

This prep mission is a mandatory silent and sneaky approach specific prep mission. You need to destroy five LSPD deployed drones. After you destroy the drones, you need to collect their scraps and bring them back to the arcade so Lester can create a nano drone. It is recommended that you have either an Oppressor Mark II or a Buzzard to carry out this mission. A good thing about this mission is that you can collect the fallen drone scraps whilst you're in your vehicle.

Vault Lasers:

The Vault Lasers prep mission is also a mandatory mission. You will need to steal two vault lasers from a specified location. However, the location will be guarded by Merryweather and heavy army personnel. So make sure you are prepared to engage in combat and take them all out before finding the lasers at the specified site. It would be easier if you have another friend with you to carry out this mission. However, doing this mission solo is possible.

Infiltration Suits:

Getting infiltration suits is quite difficult compared to the other prep missions. The infiltration suits will mostly be inside of a police station. The fact that the whole police department will be on to you the second you step into the restricted area of the police station makes it 10x harder to complete. Especially if you are doing this solo.

When you get to the police station, make sure you park you vehicle right outside the entrance so that as soon as you get the outfits, you can instantly hop on your vehicle and get away from the cops. You can go to the nearby sewer tunnels to lose the cops as shown in our video guide. If you have an oppressor mark II, it will make your life much easier as you can just fly away and lose the cops easily.

EMP Device:

You will need to go to Los Santos International Airport and take out some guards protecting a Cargobob. You can get a Buzzard and head to the airport. Land on any one of the suitable buildings around the Cargobob which gives you a good vantage point and snipe out the guards. They will shoot back, so make sure you take cover while doing so.

Once you've killed them all, get into the helicopter and go to the ULSA and pick up the EMP device using the Cargobob. Don't worry about the guards there, just focus on getting the EMP with patience. Once you have the EMP fly to the power station. However, as you are on your way to the power station you will get 3 stars wanted level.

Just avoid the cones of vision of the cops and they will eventually leave you. Since you're flying, it is relatively easy to lose the cops. After you've done all the prep missions you can proceed to the final prep board to choose you entrance and exit point.

Heist Finale:

On the final prep board you can choose the entry point, exit point, your buyer, clean vehicle and gunman decoy.

⭐ Entrance: Choose STAFF LOBBY as your entrance.
⭐ Exit: Choose STAFF LOBBY as your exit.
⭐ Buyer: Choosing the buyer is completely up to you. However, for better profit, it is recommended that you chose a 'High Level' buyer.
⭐ Clean Vehicle: You do not need to buy this.
⭐ Gunman Decoy: You do not need to buy this.
Approach #2 - Aggressive Approach:
Aggressive Approach - You go in guns blazing without regard for any stealth. You do not need to worry about the cameras or the guards and simply fight your way in and out. This guide will give you an overview of the whole approach showing you the best setup.

Heist Prep Missions:

Support Crew - The Gunman:

Karl Abolaji who takes only 5% from the final cut can be used for this approach. Just make sure that the weapons you choose will help aid you in a gun fight.

Support Crew - The Driver:

Karim Denz only takes 5% from the final cut. It is not necessary to use a getaway driver for this approach but it is mandatory so choose the person that will take the smallest cut.

Support Crew - Hacker:

Similar to the previous approach, the hacker is the most important aspect in all the approaches for the casino heist. The best available hacker is Avi Schwartzman who you can unlock by completing a side quest. Avi gives you 15 seconds more than Paige Harris, granting a total of 3 minutes and 30 seconds in the vault. Avi takes 1% more than Paige from the final cut, total of 10% of the overall take.

The prep mission to attain the hacking device, the general prep work involving the vault keycard remains the same however the following prep work must be conducted with optional missions.

50 Signal Jammers

Duggan Shipments:

While the 'Duggan Shipments' general prep mission doesn't hold that much importance in both The Big Con and Silent & Sneaky approaches, it holds immense importance in the Aggressive approach.

You may consider it as one of the mandatory prep missions due to how important it is for this approach. In this mission you need to destroy 10 shipments spread throughout the map. They are all far away from one another and it is best to have a friend with you and divide the areas you guys will cover. Going solo is possible but it is really tough to actually pull it off due to the fact that you get only 10 minutes and there are 10 shipments.

Having said that, if you manage to destroy all 10 shipments, the guards during the finale will be extremely weak. Their armor will be super low and their aim will be really bad, along with their health. Just a couple of hits and they will go down.

This mission holds significant importance for this Aggressive approach due to the fact that the whole approach is based around you being engaged in combat throughout your finale of the heist. You will be shooting the enemies to go in and then later get out. So it is best to make your life easier by weakening them first.

Patrol Routes: (Optional) mission is not needed to complete as your have chosen the Aggressive approach.

The following prep work missions remain the same for the Aggressive approach as it did in the Silent & Sneaky Approach. They involve the Security Pass (Coroner & Croupier) method.

Approach Specific Preps:

You need to do all the approach specific prep missions along with the mandatory prep missions of course. You can skip one mission, however, which is the reinforced armor mission. If you're already an experienced player, then there's no need to waste your energy on this mission as you will already have maximum health and armor at this point. But if you are a low level player then by all means go for it.

Let's take a lot at the rest of the approach specific missions that you will need to carry out for this.

Thermal Charges:

Getting thermal charges is pretty simple and straightforward. All you need to do is go to a specific location as directed by the game, take out the agents and get the thermal charges from the warehouse. Note that there will be quite a lot of agents so you need to be prepared with snacks and armor in order to easily fight them all. Once you take out the agents you can look for the Thermal Charges. They will be in a wooden crate. Grab the thermal charges and leave the warehouse delivering the charges back to the Arcade.

The mission is fairly simple and easy, however we recommend you have another friend with you as doing it solo will require you to return back to the warehouse to carry the second crate of thermal charges back to the Arcade.

Vault Explosives:

This prep mission is the toughest to carry out if you're doing it solo so we recommend getting a friend. You can totally do it solo, but it will take a very long time to be completed. This mission requires you to go to Alamo Sea and search the plane wreckage for vault explosives. However, the area will be crawling with Merryweather soldiers. There will be several at the little pier of Alamo Sea where you can also find Scuba Diving Gear to put on, in order to search the wreckage, and there will be two helicopters along with some boats at the wreckage site as well.

Boring Machine:

You will need to go to one of the construction sites and steal the boring machine. There will be some resistance from the construction workers and guards there but you can easily take them out and get into the truck which is carrying the machine. You will have cops on you, but a fortunate thing about this heist prep mission is that you can easily lose the cops by calling Lester from your phone.

You can see the final prep board below showing the missions that can be skipped, missions that are needed to be done and a mission which is not necessary to do, but can make your heist finale easier.

Heist Finale:

⭐ Entrance: Choose SEWERS as your entrance.
⭐ Exit: You can choose either WASTE DISPOSAL or STAFF LOBBY. The later is our recommended exit strategy.
⭐ Buyer: Your choice but we recommend you choose a "HIGH LEVEL" buyer for maximum profit.
⭐ Clean Vehicle: Not necessary
⭐ Gunman Decoy: Not necessary
Approach #3 - The Big Con (Part 01):
The Big Con Approach - ​Besides the Aggressive and Silent & Sneaky approaches, you can also carry out the casino heist with a Big Con approach. This guide will cut out all the rubbish and list everything that needs to be done to prep you to pull the heist off using this approach.
Heist Prep Missions:

Support Crew - The Gunman:

When you are choosing a gunman, there's no need to spend any time deciding which one to choose as this heist is the silent and sneaky approach. You shouldn't expect a lot of altercations and combat situations. Therefore, choose Karl Abolaji who takes only 5% from the final cut.

Support Crew - The Driver:

Karim Denz only takes 5% from the final cut. It is not necessary to use a getaway driver for this approach but it is mandatory so choose the person that will take the smallest cut.

Support Crew - Hacker:

Choosing the hacker is the most important aspect in all the approaches for the casino heist, whether it's sneaking in or going in aggressive. The best available default hacker is Avi Schwartzman who you can unlock by completing a side quest. You need to find 50 signal jammers spread around Los Santos and destroy them for Avi to be unlocked.

​Check out our guide here on where to find all the jammers and unlock Avi. Avi gives you 15 seconds more than Paige Harris, granting a total of 3 minutes and 30 seconds in the vault. Avi takes 1% more than Paige from the final cut, total of 10% of the overall take.

50 Signal Jammers

Hacking Device:

The device can be located in two different locations. The first one requires you to get it from the N.O.O.S.E headquarters, while the second will be in the FIB building.

​N.O.O.S.E Headquarters Mission:

You need to go to Davis City Hall, locate the corrupt agent, take him out and get the keycard to the N.O.O.S.E headquarters. Sneak into the building to find the hacking device. When you reach the headquarters.

You need to find the hacking device using your phone, based on the signal strength at the bottom right screen. The closer you get to the device, the stronger the signal gets. It is pretty simple, just avoid the sight of the guards and walk silently and you should be good to go. You can use suppressed weapons to take out guards and security cameras provided that other guards don't see you doing so or find the body of a guard you have taken out.

FIB Building Mission:

Before heading to the FIB building, you will need to take out some agents and get the FIB agent pass in order to enter the building by impersonating an agent. You will be tasked to go to a specific location and kill the agents, get the FIB pass, lose the cops and after that, head to FIB building.

Enter the building and avoid the cones of vision as much as possible, since staying in them for too long will cause the guards and agents to recognize you. Take the elevator to the upper floor, bring your phone out and find the hacking device using the signal strength bar, the same way you did when in N.O.O.S.E headquarters.

Once you have acquired the hacking device, head back outside the same way you came in from. But note that as soon as you reach the exit, the agents will recognize you and start shooting, so make sure you have some snacks and armor. Quickly exit the building and get into your vehicle which you parked right in front of the entrance earlier, lose the cops and deliver the hacking device back to the arcade.

​⭐ General Prep Work:

For the general prep missions, you need to do the vault keycards prep mission, which is mandatory, followed by the Patrol Routes prep mission. You do not have to do the Duggan shipments, power drill and security intel prep missions. You also do not need to get the masks.

Vault Keycards:

There are two types of mission to acquire the vault keycards. One requires you to hijack a prison bus and get the keycard from one of the guards while you impersonate a prison guard. The second mission is fairly simple, you just need to go to two security guards situated at two different locations, kill them and get the cards. One guard will be drunk on the street while the other will be having in a motel room.

Getting the vault keycards from prison is the easiest prep mission. All you need to do is hijack a prisoner bus, head to the prison disguised as a guard and infiltrate one of the towers in the prison. Once you head inside the marked tower, you will come across a guard, just take out the guard silently and search his body for the keycards. After you've acquired the keycards, you can leave the prison the same way you came in, using the bus, and you are done.

Patrol Routes:

Patrol routes is an optional general prep mission, but we consider it to be one of the most important prep missions for Silent and Sneaky approach. This general prep work is also necessary for The Big Con approach. If you complete this mission you will be able to see the enemies or guards on your minimap during the heist. If you don't do it, then the guards will not be visible on your map. It is absolutely necessary that you complete it so you can easily see where the guards are.

In this mission you need to find a specific car and take a photo of the contents of the trunk. The mission location is always different, but the cars are always the same, so you can never mistake the car for any other once you've identified it. There are two possible cars you can get - it can either be a gray colored car or a black colored car. You can either sneak your way to the car or just kill all the guards and approach the vehicle - it is completely up to you. Just make sure when you are going in killing everyone, not to accidentally blow up the target car.

Security Pass:

You need to acquire a Level 2 Security Pass or else you won't be able to do the mission properly. There are two different types of missions you can be given. One requires you to go to a pool party and get the card from the croupier. The other requires you to get it off of a dead valet's body while you impersonate a Coroner.

Croupier / Party Method:

For the first type of mission you will be instructed to go to a pool party. Once you reach the party, a suspicion bar, at the bottom right corner of your screen, will become visible. It will gradually increase if you become more noticeable and attract attention, however, you need to blend in and make sure it doesn't rise. You can do different activities such as drinking and dancing to keep the suspicion bar low.

Once Lester has identified the target you need to find and search for the keycard on them. They will be passed out and once you search for the keycard you'll discover it's not actually on them. However, it should be laying around somewhere in the area. You need to search for the keycard around the area.

TIP: Your suspicion will still increase slightly, but the best way to keep it low is to go to your interaction menu and set your action to dance, and turn it on permanently. This way you can walk around and search for the card while making sure the suspicion bar is not increasing.

Coroner Method:

If you get a coroner mission, then you will need to go to the church and steal a hearse. Once you do so the cops will instantly be on you. Once you lose them, head to the coroner's office. You will automatically equip the coroner officer's clothes. Enter the office and proceed to the morgue. Avoid the cops' cones of visions inside the office as much as you can.

Once you reach the morgue, search the valet's body and get the keycard. Just ensure that no one is watching you while you do so. After that head back the same way you came in, while avoiding the cops. Leave the area to successfully complete the prep mission.
Approach #3 - The Big Con (Part 02):
Approach Specific Preps:

Entry Disguise:

This is important, for entry disguise make sure you choose 'Gruppe Sechs Gear'. When you choose this gear there will be two missions to perform to get the full gear. They will be called part 1 and part 2. In the first part you need to get the Gruppe Sechs Van. When you get to the location of the van it will be locked. You need to take out the mechanic and guards around the van and one of the mechanics will have the key to the van. Search the marked body for the key and get the van. You need to lose the cops after that and get the van back to the arcade.

In the second mission, or part 2, of the Gruppe Sechs Gear you need to go to Ginger Street. There will be a specific Gruppe Sechs stockade amongst many others. Take a picture of the license plate of that stockade and then grab the outfits in there and deliver them back to the arcade.

Note that the area will be surrounded by guards, so you can do this mission either sneaking, or you can go in guns blazing. It is entirely up to you. There will be two outfits, so as stated earlier, if you have a friend with you, you can complete this mission in one run. But if you are doing this solo, you will need to come back and grab the other outfit.

Vault Drills:

You simply need to go to the marked location and get the vault drills. You'll face some resistance from cops because the vaults drills are in the possession of some criminals who they happen to be taking on too. You need to take them all out (the cops and the criminals) and get the drills. There will be two drills, so having a friend is recommended. But if you're doing it solo, you can go and get the other drill after dropping the first one off at the arcade.

Exit Disguise:

This is very important as well. You need to steal the NOOSE outfit if you want to exit the casino without any one noticing or attacking you. Head to the police station and get the NOOSE outfits. There will be two since you'll be carrying out the heist finale with a minimum of two players. You'll also receive a 4 star wanted level once you enter the restricted part of the police station, so be quick about it. Get the outfit and quickly head out, lose the cops and return to the arcade with your NOOSE outfit. You can return back and get the other one as well (or if you're doing it with a friend just do it in one run).

Heist Finale:

On the final prep board you can choose the entry point, exit point, your buyer, clean vehicle and gunman decoy.

⭐ Entrance: For entrance you need to choose the SECURITY TUNNEL.
⭐ Entry Disguise: Your entrance disguise will be GRUPPE SECHS.
⭐ Exit: You need to choose the STAFF LOBBY as your exit.
⭐ Exit Disguise: Make sure you choose the NOOSE outfit as your exit disguise.
⭐ Buyer: Choosing the buyer is completely up to you. However, for better profit, it is recommended that you chose a 'High Level' buyer.
⭐ Clean Vehicle: You do not need to buy this.
⭐ Gunman Decoy: You do not need to buy this.
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