How to start the casino heist in gta san andreas

How to start the casino heist in gta san andreas


Woozie:Yeah, we're good.
CJ:Alright, see you at the back door. Let's roll!
Woozie and Zero enter the truck and drive off while CJ makes his way to Caligula's Palace. Zero then starts communicating with CJ via earpiece.
(Voice only):
Carl, can you hear me okay?
(Voice only):
Okay, we're en route in the armored truck.
CJ:Okay, I'm gonna get a move on.
CJ goes to Caligula's Palace and enters the casino.
(Voice only):
OK, this is it. Play it cool, Carl, play it cool.
(Voice only):
Are you sure? You sound kinda edgy to me.
(Voice only):
OK, OK! Now, make your way to the staff door.
CJ goes to the staff door but is approached by a casino guard.
Guard:Ain't seen you 'round here before. You new?
CJ:Yeah, I'm, uh, standing in for Jerry, he's ill.
(Voice only):
Who's Jerry?
CJ:I (coughs), I think I got Jerry's cough.
CJ unlocks the staff door using Millie's swipe card.
(Voice only):
Great, next up, the backup generator room. It's down one level.
CJ goes to the generator room.
CJ:Alright, I'm in the generator room.
(Voice only):
Okay, the ventilation grills are on the back wall. Throw the gas down one of these.
CJ throws a gas grenade into the vents, the grenade lands just outside the vault and goes off, suffocating the guards.
CJ:We won't know if that worked until we get down there.
(Voice only):
Yeah, well, don't worry about it. Right now we got a schedule to stick to! Head to the security door and use Millie's swipe card!
CJ goes to the security door and opens it with the swipe card.
(Voice only):
Okay, good, I've hacked the emergency lighting protocols. I'm going to blow the charges you placed at the dam. Here goes nothing
The lights in the casino go out.
(Voice only):
Wow! (chuckles) I didn't think that was going to work.
CJ:Ah, I can't see jack!
(Voice only):
Head down to the service bay!
CJ goes to the service bay.
(Voice only):
Okay, we got the power down, which means the gate's unlocked, but now you're going to have to raise it yourself.
CJ finds a Forklift, which he uses to open the gate manually. The Securicar pulls back into the service bay. Woozie, his two assistants and the janitor get out.
Woozie:Well done, Carl. Now it's time for us to do our part! Try to stay close. OK, team, I've gone over the layout to this place so I know it back to front. Everybody follow me!
Woozie bumps into a wall, then gets up.
Woozie:Damn, the devious bastards have changed the layout!
Triad Assistant 1:Don't worry, I'll take the lead, boss.
Woozie:Good idea, everybody follow him!
CJ and the crew make their way to the vault while fighting off against mafia goons that get in their way.
Triad Assistant 1:Not far now, keep alert.
Woozie:Hey, I was just about to say that!
Triad Assistant 1:Sorry, boss.
Woozie:Not far now, everybody!
Triad Assistant 1:Stay alert!
Woozie:Oh, yeah, stay alert.
CJ and the crew get to the vault.
Woozie:OK, we'll set the charges, while you watch the door.
Triad Assistant 1:Okay, boss.
(Voice only):
Hurry it up, gentlemen, they know something's wrong. Someone else is in the system!
CJ:Hey, what's the problem?
(Voice only):
Somebody's trying to bring the emergency generators back up!
CJ:OK, I'll head back up to the generator room and shut them down for good.
CJ goes back up to the generator room and kills the guards before blowing up the generators. He then goes back to the vault as Woozie finishes with the explosives, who then backs away.
Woozie:Everybody take cover! Oh, shit, where do I go, where do I go?!
Triad Assistant 1:Fire in the hole!
Woozie:Okay, people, load up the cash!
CJ and the crew go inside the vault's safe to get the money.
(Voice only):
Carl, you've got mafia guerillas coming to the vault andcurse you, Berkley! CURSE YOU!
Some mafia goons enter the vault area.
CJ:Okay, then, we about to have some company.
CJ kills of the goons trying to get into the safe.
Woozie:Okay, team, just how we practiced - two by two. Ow, fuck! Scratch that, everybody follow Carl!
CJ fends off mafia goons that get in his way and escorts the crew back to the service bay, where Zero is waiting.
Zero:I've unloaded the police bikes.
Woozie:Everybody in! You two - change into your police uniforms.
Woozie and Zero get into the Securicar while two of the Triads put on their cop uniforms and hop on the HPV motorcycles, acting as a police escort. The truck and the bikes drive off.
(Voice only):
OK, CJ, you're on your own now.
CJ:Time to show those motherfuckers what's happening!
(Voice only):
Carl, would you like me to talk you through to the roof?
The lights in the casino go back on.
CJ:Anything that'd help, man. Oh, what happened?
(Voice only):
Damn you, Berkley, DAMN YOU!
CJ:Oh, come on, man, talk to me!
(Voice only):
Now head through the casino to the elevators on the far side. Take the elevator all the way to the roof!
More mafia goons show up, but CJ makes quick work of them as he heads to the elevator and reaches the roof of the casino. A Police Maverick is on CJ's tail. CJ makes his way to the abandoned airstrip at Verdant Meadows. The Triads arrive on their police bikes.
CJ:Zero, where you hiding?
Zero:I didn't mean to tell Berkley, it justkind of came out, is all.
Zero:Will you watch it, you idiot?!
Woozie:Hey, CJ, calm down! You better take me home, CJ.