Payday 2 casino heist

Payday 2 casino heist


Starting in civilian mode, players cannot mark guards, nor pick up non-objective items with Aced Chameleon. However, guards can be passed through freely, and players cannot be detected at all by NPCs or cameras.

Heading to the guitar case, players can mask up when ready and begin completing objectives. Firstly, the security center must be sabotaged by sleeping gas. To do so, players must enter the staff areas to the north, descending into the archives to collect blueprints. After interacting with the correct bookshelf, the schematics must be scanned and faxed to Bain from the nearby IT center.

After sending the details, Bain will identify the room connected to the Security centre and require a guest list, which must be retrieved from the main reception computer. Take the highlighted USB thumb drive, and carefully navigate to Reception. Plug in the USB drive to the computer (15s), and then return to the IT department, remembering to retrieve the USB drive. Bain will then check the guest list, and display on the TV the guest occupying the room the crew needs to access.

The civilian in question will be gambling on slot machines, out of the way on the main floor. After spotting the civilian, the three bar locations must be checked for the same type of drink, which will be grabbed and drugged. Once the player has the spiked drink, Bain will call the civilian's phone to distract him, allowing players to sneak up and refill his glass. Wait for him to take a sip, after which he will go to the nearest bathroom or outside. When he is safely out of sight, neutralise him and take his room key.

With access to the civilian's room, the sleeping gas must be released into the vent connected with the Security center. This causes all guards inside Security to fall asleep, and remain asleep for the rest of the heist. Cameras are also now disabled (Note: pagers still operate in all other areas). Now three electronic briefcases must be accessed, each containing a single digit for the Vault combination.

  • The Manager's briefcase can be found in his office, which is marked by a sign. Heading into the staff area in the back, a large safe must be drilled or picked for the computer.
  • The Security Chief's is in his locker, found in the locker room also accessed from the staff area. On difficulties lower than Death Wish,it's recommended you save a pager for the guard here, as he frequently walks in and out of the locker room.
  • The Pit Boss' briefcase is located near him, and can be found either at one of the game tables, on the bar in the VIP room, or on the table in the 2nd floor right side terrace bar or a table on the left terrace without a bar, or on the bar behind the reception area doors. If the Heartbreaker Annie asset is purchased, the Pit Boss' briefcase will always located at the bar in the VIP room. Be aware that the bartender can wander behind the bar. If she does, go back outside or hide on the side of the bar by the door leading inside the casino.

After getting a digit from all three briefcases, the vault can now be accessed. Heading into the Security Center, the lasers must be deactivated by hacking the highlighted PC (60 seconds). Approaching the vault, Bain will recite the correct order of the combination, which must be entered individually. Once the vault unlocks, the door to the immediate right contains the objective (The Dentist's Loot), whereas the path to the left leads to loot and a set of stairs to even more loot.

Drilling the objective door (60 seconds), inside there is a wall of alternating lasers from floor to ceiling that moves in a pattern. Carefully navigating it, the Dentist's Loot can be bagged and moved through. The Dentist's Loot and any other loot can be moved using an elevator located outside the main vault, by pressing the highlighted green button to send the elevator up to the ground floor or calling it back down. The elevator takes the loot up to the Security center, where it can be moved to the van in the Delivery area (near the Security center). Regardless of escape method purchased, the van will not leave as long as the alarm hasn't sounded; if the alarm sounds but the Dentist's Loot room has been accessed, he will still wait for players rather than flee and trigger a loud escape.

Loud Entry
Players will start right at the entrance steps, with two dead guards lying nearby and security responding. Moving inside to the main floor, players must locate C4, which is located in the armory near the locker room.

Passing through the staff area in the back, players will have to descend stairs and get close to the keypad to trigger a search for 3 marked out golden briefcases. One is in a random locker in the staff gym, the second is in the Manager's office safe, and the third is somewhere on the main casino floor (either upper or lower).

Once all 3 have been opened, move back to the keypad and enter the code Bain calls out to open the door and grab the C4 bags lying on the ground.

Loud Entry with C4
Starting in the same location, players will find the C4 lying ready in the front passenger seat of the limo.

Grabbing the C4 bags, the charges must be planted around roulette tables in the floor center. Once the correct table is blown, the vault will be exposed through the floor. If a player is holding a copy of the blueprints from searching the archives, the locations are narrowed down to only the correct one.

In order to place the BFD, players must first prepare by building a winch. Light a flare in one of two places and Bile will drop the three parts after a few minutes. Building the winch next to the vault then bolting it into the floor, the delivery blimp must then be summoned using fireworks. Finding the fireworks in a storage area out back (lockpick, C4 or saw), the fireworks must be placed them on an external balcony and lit. The skylight must then be hacked in the security center (30 seconds), allowing the BFD to be dangled above the casino floor.

With the BFD and winch in place, one player must first grab the winch hook, climb to the upper floor and jump onto the BFD to attach it. Then activating the winch to guide the drill down, players must guard the winch from police officers until the BFD rests in place on the floor.

The mechanics of the BFD are unique in that multiple aspects of it must be micromanaged to keep it running: though the total drilling time can be as low as five minutes, it can take substantially longer if the proper upgrades aren't purchased or if it isn't adequately protected.

  • Firstly, the BFD must be plugged into two power boxes on the upper level, which must be defended from police. Should the power be cut on either socket, it must be reconnected and then the BFD restarted. The "Extra Battery" asset replaces one cable with an onboard power supply.
  • Secondly, the BFD has two water tanks on the back, cooling the system while it works. As the drill runs, the tanks will gradually drain one by one (only visible with the "Water Level Indicator" asset), and the BFD risks overheating unless a tank is supplying water. Once emptied, the tanks can be carried individually to a bathroom and refilled at the sinks (30 seconds).
  • Thirdly, the BFD itself must be protected, requiring players to prevent law enforcers from shutting it down and turning it back on if it breaks.

Once the drill starts working, players should consider splitting up, with two guarding the drill itself and changing the tanks as necessary, and two guarding the distant power box(es).

Once the drill finally cuts through, players can drop directly through into a counting area filled with cash bundles. With law enforcers following through the hole, players must descend a stairway to the vault entrance, near which are three locked storage rooms with loot and a secure side room (all 60 second drills). Entering the side room, players will find the unique "Dentist's Loot", which is the only objective bag and of very heavy weight.

Opening the vault door through the nearby emergency switch, the bags must be moved either up two flights of stairs or the dumbwaiter running through them. From there, the main bag and any additional loot must be taken to the escape vehicle: either out the front (Limo Escape), the main floor (Blimp Escape), or in the delivery area through the back (Van Escape).